This is not a manifesto.



Digital Transformation has been a meaningless term since the late 2010's.

As it became clear that every business needed to move to modern software on the cloud, companies were sold a magic bullet under the banner of transformation.

But instead, they found disappointment as boardroom fantasies and half-baked initiatives turned into a recipe for jargon-spewing consultancies to line their pockets.

And while Digital Transformation became a buzzword instead of a strategy, automation and AI became very real, very fast.

For a long time, we’ve been told that people have to put in more hours and that hustle culture is the way to stay ahead.

Maybe there was a time when this was true — when everything had to be done manually, when software was expensive to buy & implement, and when automation was only an option for the deep pockets of Fortune 500 teams.

But that time is gone.


Software that used to be reserved for 5,000+ person orgs became accessible to companies of any size, but today, there's still a series of questions on most leader's mind:

• How can we empower people to work smarter, not harder?
• What is the best software for my team's needs?
• How can I embed automation into the DNA of how we work?

The modern businesses who have started to answer these questions are quickly seeing that giving their people time back for more important work advances their ambitions & mission.

Retention rises when people are able to focus more on what matters. Profits go up as workflows move faster and more effectively. And true, needle-moving innovation starts to generate new revenue and where people know that with you, they can work smarter, not harder.


So if the path to a streamlined, automated, modern workplace is worth it, but can feel daunting, what do you do about it?

Well, you ensure your software doesn't hold you back. You ensure your people and tech are mapped to the best-in-class process. And you build a modern symphony that connects your people, process, and tech in a way that drives up productivity and decreases time wasted on rote, admin tasks.


In the bustling industrial age, the switchboard – a nexus of wires and connections – enabled individuals across cities, then nations, to communicate directly with one another in moments.

If the era of Digital Transformation was about making connections slowly, we’ve now entered the Switchboard era where connections are made quickly.

From data and tools to people and teams, the underlying principle remains unchanged: direct, seamless connectivity forms the backbone of meaningful engagement and progress. And that's why we're here.


Meet the founders

Joanna Li - Co-Founder, Switchboard

I was (and still am) a Mario Kart kid. There's nothing more satisfying than getting those 🍄 boosts and finding hidden shortcuts.

I’ve always been drawn to finding more efficient solutions that help us work better and more intuitively. Having worked in organizations of all shapes and sizes–from the scrappy startups to the structure of large enterprise and government, I’ve loved breaking down complex problems, pushing for simpler and more intuitive ways of working and embracing innovation.

I’ve worn many hats across HR, Marketing, Finance, Project Management and Operations–all of which has led me to Switchboard, an agency built to support small businesses with their operational challenges and leverage the power of automations and emerging tech to stay competitive and thrive.


I was a SimCity kid. While friends wanted to play Mario, I loved building structure both literally and digitally.

My career was shaped by this fascination from Business Analyst to Project Management roles at places like IBM on large-scale government projects or MetaLab with clients like Amazon & Uber before moving into Operations & IT leadership roles, my love of pairing tech and people has only grown which lead to co-founding Switchboard with Jo.

I've shared more about all things operations, automation, and AI here:
Think Like an Owner podcast
StepChange podcast
Notion's blog (and in the NYT about Notion)


A bit of what makes

Real over rhetoric

We're about action, not just advice. We commit to making tangible changes, not just creating endless meetings.

We get in your shoes

We dive deep into understanding your business, ensuring our solutions are tailored for you.

A culture of curiosity

We're all about the learning journey. Our team consistently sharpens their skills to serve you the freshest solutions.

Efficiency focused

We prioritize lean processes to deliver maximum value in minimum time.

Communication is key

We're big believers in proactive communication. Keeping you in the loop is our jam, but we won't bog you down.

Partner, not provider

We’re a strategic partner, not just a service provider. Your success is our success.

The Switchboard Advantage

Automate now, lead tomorrow

Let us sweat the "what" and "how" for you

Leave the complex workflow and process design to us, so you can focus on what's next.

Accelerate with turnkey solutions

We provide comprehensive setup for your automations, data systems and essential tools, ensuring a seamless, no-code integration.

Simplify tools, amplify outcomes

Our team handles the details, ensuring smooth and seamless change management & adoption so your team isn't overwhelmed with advancement.

We write a bi-weekly, no fluff newsletter
for SMB execs & operators.